
The Mission

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Déjà-vu Tour 2022
Samstag, 06.05.2023
Szene Wien, Hauffgasse 26, 1110 Wien [ Plan ]


ERSATZTERMIN aus 2020 - ursprüngliche Tickts gültig
Einlass: 19:30
Tickets: VVK ab € 38,99; Kombiticket für 1. & 2. Show: € 69,99


ACHTUNG: Diese Veranstaltung wird aufgrund der aktuellen Lage (Covid19 Erlass) er neut verschoben. Hier handelt es sich bereits um einen weiteren Ersatztermin.
Alle Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

Due to the current situation regarding Covid19 this event has been moved again. This is already the new replacement date.
All tickets stay valid.


The Mission - Déjà Vu Tour 2023

We’re sure you’ll remember us telling you a few week ago that our scheduled tour for this coming March-April had to be postponed (yet again) because of the global pandemic. We also promised to let you know the new dates as soon as we had all the relevant info.

So, all of us here at MWIS are very pleased to be able to tell you that - thanks largely to the hard work of our agent, Steve Backman and all the relevant promoters - the Mission’s tour has once again been rescheduled for the same time next year, 2022. The tour, originally entitled ‘The United European Party Tour’ and scheduled to take place last year and which, in fact, did kick off with the band able to play 10 of the scheduled 55 shows before the lockdowns were enforced has now been re-christened ‘The Déjà Vu Tour’ and will kick off on Saturday 5th March, 2022, at Het Depot vzw, in Leuven, Belgium and will culminate with two nights at the Shepherds BUSH Empire in London on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd April.

All tickets previously purchased for the 2020 and 2021 dates will remain valid for the new dates.
Wayne Hussey commented: “As cabin fever is kicking in for most of us by now - there are only so many Netflix shows one can take - I can only surmise that by this time next year everyone will be absolutely desperate to get out of the house and congregate in a big room with a bunch of like-minded souls to watch and hear a bunch of blokes nearing retirement age making a right old noisy din. In other words coming to see The Mission play the songs you know and (mostly) love and having a right ol’ knees-up and singalong. “You are a tower of strength” to me will hold extra potency. I dunno about you but I can’t wait.”


Da kommt wahrlich eine Sensation auf uns zu.
The Mission an zwei Abenden in der Szene Wien mit komplett unterschiedlichem Programm - das hats noch nie gegeben!

Der Plan:
Am ersten Showtag gibt es ausschließlich Songs von den ungeraden Albem zu hören - am zweiten stehen die geraden Zahlen am Start.

Nochmal zum Mitschreiben: 2 Tage / 2 verschiedene Shows.
Darum wird auch ein Kombiticket aufgelegt, man sollte doch bei beiden Terminen anwesend sein.

From Wayne: Asking me to write about the anticipation of touring Europe whilst in the throes of a 12 week solo slog around the continent & British Isles is a bit like asking me to explain the taste of egg soufflé after being force-fed boiled eggs every day for 3 months. There is a world of difference between a boiled egg and one that is souffléd. As it is touring solo and touring with The Mission. Hence, we, The Mission, are heading out to tour Europe & Brexit’ed UK in early spring next year. Why? Don’t need a reason, we just fancy it.
Having just toured Europe it strikes me that one thing that unifies people of any & every culture and race is music. It brings people together to celebrate, to commune, to share the experience. This is why I’ve named the tour ‘The United European Party Tour’. Less a political statement (although my personal leaning - and I don’t speak for the rest of the band - veers toward Brexit being a huge backward step) but more a statement about how people can be united regardless of where they are born or where they live or their politics.
Music is about people, emotions, feelings, togetherness; not division, borders, extreme right or left or wanker politicians. So let’s get together, have a sing-song, some fun, and let’s celebrate life and being part of the human family.
One thing I wanted to do on this tour to ease the rigours of spending another solid 10-12 weeks on a tour bus is to play two nights everywhere we can. That affords us at least one night in two sleeping in a hotel bed. It also enables us to play completely different sets on each of the 2 nights. Our plan is to play songs one night exclusively from our 1st, 3rd, 5th and so on albums - First Chapter, Children, Grains Of Sand, Neverland, Aura, & The Brightest Light - whilst the other night will be songs exclusively from albums, 2, 4, 6 etc - God’s Own Medicine, Carved In Sand, Masque, Blue, God Is A Bullet, & Another Fall From Grace. Which set comes on the first night will be decided on the day so you’ll never know which you’re gonna get first. A little devious maybe but to ensure you don’t miss a beat you’ll need to attend both nights……Ah, come on, it’ll be fun…..


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