BekanntmachungenLetzter Beitrag
BekanntmachungFreundesfunktion zur Zeit deaktiviert03.06.20 00:50
BekanntmachungHinweis bezüglich korrekter Benutzung des "antworten" Buttons09.05.13 18:22
avatar 04.10.08 20:15


Das ist mein Ergebnis:

I applaud you, oh I do. If you're not a goth, perhaps you should consider becoming one. You really must have a strong sense of individuality.

You have correctly answered 17 of 28 questions.

The average of surfers gave 17.95 correct answers.
avatar 04.10.08 21:35
You have correctly answered 22 of 28 questions.

The average of surfers gave 17.95 correct answers.

Gott(h), ist mir fad!!!!!

Und die Lerninspiration will und will nicht kommen...
avatar 05.10.08 10:45
Ebenso gings mir gestern, als ich diesen Test im Netz gefunden habe und wieder mal sitze ich vor dem PC anstatt meine Nase in den Büchern zu haben......Nun wirds aber mal Zeit................
05.10.08 13:06
Oh, bugger. You did so poorly, I'm afraid, that you have dispelled the possibility that you are a goth. Maybe you should try, that wouldn't work. Sorry!: D Maybe you can go dance the Charleston out on the street for nickels while trying to convince people that black is white.
Anonymer Benutzer
15.10.08 04:46
I applaud you, oh I do. If you're not a goth, perhaps you should consider becoming one. You really must have a strong sense of individuality.

You have correctly answered 23 of 28 questions.

The average of surfers gave 17.97 correct answers.

--> Und das bringt mir jetzt genau WAS? o.O
06.02.09 22:12
Question 28: KISS ME, I'M A GOTH! Just select yes, that's the correct answer.


Ooooookay ...
06.02.09 22:14
I applaud you, oh I do. If you're not a goth, perhaps you should consider becoming one. You really must have a strong sense of individuality.

You have correctly answered 23 of 28 questions.

The average of surfers gave 17.97 correct answers.

--> Und das bringt mir jetzt genau WAS? o.O

Ahm... meinen fachfrauischen Kenntnissen zufolge ahm.... ach vergessen wir das ^^

Du weisst jetzt nur, dass du 23 von 28 richtig hast und weisst, dass du besser als der Durchschnitt bist...

ERGO.... auf die Frage was bringt dir das ...: Das Wissen ... besser als der Durchschnitt zu sein...

AAAABER ... zur nächsten Frage: Was bringt einem dieses Wissen jetzt? o.O

hmm was schreib ich da *mirisglaubichziemlichfad*
06.02.09 23:19
avatar 07.02.09 06:02
Die Aussage ist wohl "Du bist so individuell, schließ dich unserer Gruppe an!" (emoticon;)

07.02.09 12:39
Ich nicht

Hmmm.... Mist .... erwischt :D
09.02.09 09:22
I applaud you, oh I do. If you're not a goth, perhaps you should consider becoming one. You really must have a strong sense of individuality.

You have correctly answered 22 of 28 questions.

The average of surfers gave 17.99 correct answers.

Jaja, mir war langweilig ;)
avatar 09.02.09 11:48
I applaud you, oh I do. If you're not a goth, perhaps you should consider becoming one. You really must have a strong sense of individuality.

You have correctly answered 23 of 28 questions.

The average of surfers gave 17.99 correct answers.

hmm, aufschlussreich.
avatar 09.02.09 18:00
Congratulations, my dear, you have passed with flying know, blood red, purple, black. Seriously, though, if you're not a goth you probably have the ability to get inside other peoples', you're a goth. YAY!

You have correctly answered 24 of 28 questions.
avatar 11.02.09 10:38
und ja, mir ist heut' auch fad............*g*

Congratulations, my dear, you have passed with flying know, blood red, purple, black. Seriously, though, if you're not a goth you probably have the ability to get inside other peoples', you're a goth. YAY!

You have correctly answered 25 of 28 questions.
avatar 12.02.09 15:56
same here. 25. naja.. mal wieder was sinnvolles machen..
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