BekanntmachungenLetzter Beitrag
BekanntmachungFreundesfunktion zur Zeit deaktiviert03.06.20 00:50
BekanntmachungHinweis bezüglich korrekter Benutzung des "antworten" Buttons09.05.13 18:22
avatar 03.03.23 22:14
avatar 05.03.23 14:04
19.03.23 13:51
Forseti - Gesang der Jünglinge []

Death is centrifugal, so long and logical, decadent and symmetrical. Angels are mathematical. Angels are bestia, when man is the animal. Coil, fire of the mind
avatar 28.03.23 17:30

1. Peter Hook & the Light - Joy Division A Celebration (Live) -> grandioooooos !

2. Current 93 - If a city is set upon a hill

3. Fever Ray - Radical Romatics

02.04.23 22:27
Jetzt wieder mal bissl gothic

Kiss the blade
Cauda pavonis
Xmsk Deutschland
Stimmen der Stille
The merry thouggts
Cancer Barrack
Girls under glass.....
avatar 04.04.23 17:39



LIVE in Vienna : 15.04.2023


t h e r e ' s a l w a y s f r e e c h e d d a r i n a m o u s e t r a p
avatar 20.04.23 08:38
avatar 20.04.23 22:45



t h e r e ' s a l w a y s f r e e c h e d d a r i n a m o u s e t r a p
avatar 20.04.23 22:57

DAS FLUG : Alles muSZ in Flammen stehen [ B-17 Edit ]


t h e r e ' s a l w a y s f r e e c h e d d a r i n a m o u s e t r a p
23.04.23 18:17
Current 93 - Tamlin


In the woods we still find branches embracing the unknown from above and hear lovely sighs beneath the winds…

Death is centrifugal, so long and logical, decadent and symmetrical. Angels are mathematical. Angels are bestia, when man is the animal. Coil, fire of the mind
avatar 27.06.23 14:39

ACTORS - Slaves (Official Video)
---------------------------------------------------- + + + +


t h e r e ' s a l w a y s f r e e c h e d d a r i n a m o u s e t r a p
05.07.23 09:57
Sonne Hagal - Totentanzlied

video: []

Death is centrifugal, so long and logical, decadent and symmetrical. Angels are mathematical. Angels are bestia, when man is the animal. Coil, fire of the mind
06.07.23 21:12
Coil - Fire of the Mind

video: []

Eine Erinnerung an John Balance.

Death is centrifugal, so long and logical, decadent and symmetrical. Angels are mathematical. Angels are bestia, when man is the animal. Coil, fire of the mind
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