Blod - Romantic and deranged
Kirlian Camera - Le printemps des larmes
Institut - unto the last man (lim 911)
Ars Moriendi - In memoriam
hypnoskull - Who's hardcore anyway?
Atrox - EKG (117/300)
Somatic Responses - Tlooz
hypnoskull - The harder you try is the closer you get (483/555)
ah cama-sotz/ frames a second - Ankh/ deceptive rate
P.A.L - remote
Ah cama-sotz/P.A.L - guilty/audiowall
Kirlian Camera - Berliner Messe (98/150, originalversiegelt)
Sharons last party
Mürnau - Misanthropy (105/400)
IRM - Skin area
Winterkälte - Green war
Chorea minor - four
Institut - Motionstruktures, mit autogramm
Sanctum - The answer to his riddle
Atrox - Time is now (459/500)
Nihil (irm, institut, nod, sharons last party)
Xerosma (313/525)
Ah cama-sotz - U-Boot
P.A.L After-hour sounds (lim499, promo edition)
S.I.N.A. - get better
hypnoskull - operation tough guy
Somatic Responses - augmented lines
converter - firebloom
converter - coma
sonar - cosmic race
architect - galactic edge
klangstabil - sieg der monochronisten
Kirlian Camera - pictures from eternity (kein inlay, picture vinyl)
mürnau - coerus brules (279/300,12"/7")
zzznrrr - intra auriculär (182/300, 12"/7")
hands 2001 (171/500, 4x12")
mimetic - on the other side (234/500, 3x12")
Bei Interesse bitte PM, PnV