Titus, Love Exposure, The Fountain, Oldboy, Sin City, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Antichrist, Into the Wild, Mononoke, Matrix, The Ninth Gate, Monty Python Filme, Ghost in the Shell 1, Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie, 5 centimeters per second, Confessions, Chinese Ghost Story, Tanz der Vampire, Im a Cyborg but thats ok, 39.90, 300, Moon, 2001, The Fall, Lara Croft, 7 Jahre in Tibet, The Count of Monte Christo, Gozu, Kostümfilme, Science Fiction, Fantasy, allerlei Bizarres und Werbespots
Hobbies & Interessen
Filme, fremde Kulturen, Architektur, Sport